Monday 9 May 2011

Group Evaluation: Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your final product?

I believe we have learnt to plan our shoots effectively, to make sure we get all the footage we need from each shoot. For our preliminary task, we did very little planning which consisted of a brief discussion in class and talking about our shots just before we were going to film them. For our final product, however, we completed storyboards and shot an animatic so that we knew exactly what we were shooting on our shoots. We also conducted call sheets and risk assessments for each shoot which we did not for our preliminary task.

We have also enhanced our editing skills using Adobe Premiere Elements 8.0; in our final product we used many effects on our footage such as a black and white colour wash, fade to white and adjusted the RBG colour settings on some shots. In our preliminary task, we didn't use any effects and simply cut our footage and added music.

Our preliminary task was continuity edited, as was our final product, but I believe that we demonstrated a better use of continuity editing in our final product as it effectively creates the illusion of continuos action.

In our final product we used a variety of different frammed shots to help keep interest in the film however with our preliminary our shot distances were pretty much the same. Also in our final we had more time to think of suitable locations and costume and what iconography we would need to show in order to convey the genre of the film.

Overall it is apparent that we have improved significantly from our preliminary to our end product, our editing is alot smoother we frame shots better, mise-en-scene is more aparent and sound is more suitable.

Group:Question 4; Who would be the audience for your media product?

Prezi powerpoint outlining our target audience and including interviews questions.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Group: Audience Research Analysis:

Question 1: What do you think happened in our opening?
  • The response was very encouraging, everyone understood what was taking place within the opening and also understood the colour scheme with black and white colour wash meaning the past and the ordinary coloured shots were in the present. Demonstrating it was not confusing for the audience.

Question 2: What Genre do you think it is?
  • Each interviewee thought that the opening was in a Thriller genre, due to the iconography used, the stock characters and also conveyed the key conventions Thrillers.

Question 3: Who do you think the protagonist was?
  • Most people saw that the protagonist was the detective, however some believed it was the killer due to the fact that the audience were positioned with him, and some believed it was Alex, as he was the main character within our opening and has most time on screen.

Question 4: Who was the antagonist?
  • The audience all worked out that the antagonist was the psychological killer as he was the murderer and was doing things that were evil.

Question 5: What was the victim's role, what was his profession?
  • Most of our audience believed that the victim's role was to be killed in order to set up the film (to have a detective chasing a murderer). They also thought his profession was a high up city worker such as a banker or journalist, and was middle-class.

Question 6: What do you think of the sound used, is it used effectively?
  • Our audience believed that the sound was used very effectively and that it helped to create tension and was very atmospheric. They believed that the sound fit the opening perfectly.

Question 7: Are the titles clear?
  • Our audience found are titles perfectly clear and they could all read them easily, also the amount of time the titles were on the screen was perfect to allow all our audience to read them.

Question 8: Do you think the titles fit the genre?
  • Our age group for our target audience thought the fonts fitted the genre perfectly, however the older generation believed they were too fancy and preferred simplistic titles.