Monday, 7 March 2011

Location Reccie

Through our location reccie we have realized that lighting has a huge impact on the atmosphere of the production, due to our genre being a Thriller/Horror we will need the lighting to be dark and dull, nothing highly exciting.

Also the angle of shot is very important in order to insert a sense of distortion within our production.

Finally due to the fact within one of our locations there is a unmovable mirror we will have to be careful in order not to have shadows present or the film crew itself. This Location Reccie has made us aware of effects needed and also camera positioning both angle and actually were it is in the room.


  1. I like the idea of it being in a cramped room and quiet unorganised as it helps give an insight into the killers mind.

  2. I hope you are not saying my bedroom is unorganized, but seriously I agree with you point and believe we need to let the audience know as much as we can about the characters especially the killer in the opening sequence.
