Monday 7 March 2011

Group: Preliminary Task findings

From our Preliminary Task we have realized the hardships of continuity editing and also how many shots are needed in order to seem to follow a continuous line of action whilst keeping the audience interested in our film.

One major thing we have found is trying to use sound effectively, we have realized that it transforms a piece of footage, however we need to work on and execute the art of fading in and out of bits of music as to not add distortion effects where not necessary or wanted.

Another major thing we have learned from this piece of filming is the difficulty of portraying violence in this case a punch and a kick. We filmed the punch with myself (Cameron Moffatt) acting the punch out extremely slowly and tried in editing to quicken the pace of the punch however this didn't work in the way we had hoped it would. Also the kick didn't seem to convey or have enough power to seem real, thus we have deduced we need to attempt to work on the realism of our productions.

It is important for us to focus on realism as we are hoping for our production to be highly realistic and plausible in order to capture the audiences attention and keep them on edge throughout our opening which is a key part of a Thriller/Horror genre.

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