Tuesday 1 February 2011

CM: Opening Sequence:

Starts with Close up shots of a pair of black gloves, then cutting to a black hoody, cutting to a black balaclava and finally cutting to a knife. Then has a bird's-eye view of all the items on a desk and with jump cuts each item disappears consecutively and underneath where that item was appears our names as credits. Then the man wearing the black gloves picks up a photo and the camera looks into it and retracts out of it to a journalist working late at night in a dark office with the only light source a desk lamp and computer monitor. Then the screen goes black as is a extreme close up on the man with the black hoody's back and as he walks away from the camera light appears gradually around the outside growing inwards, then he walks up silently behind the journalist and stabs him to death. Then wipes the blade clean of blood and lobs the tissue in the bin and walks away. A pool of blood drips down and creates the title of the film. Then there is a fast rewind through the whole event and screen goes black with some more credits in white colour and a loud reverberating drum beat, which is simultaneous to a pair of eyes opening fast, this ending the opening sequence with just the white of the eyes visible from a bird's-eye view.


  1. This is a description - without any technical shot framing or sound analysis. Introduction? What is this exactly?

  2. I do not understand this comment, please explain?
