Friday, 11 February 2011

SH: Institutional Context

If our opening sequence were to be developed and made into a film, it would most likely be produced by a conglomerate and therefore be an industrial film. This is because the film is a thriller, which are produced mainly by large studios and independent film companies may struggle to gather enough finance for a film belonging to the thriller genre, as actions scenes are used and many conventional props and locations, such as police stations and weapons, may be expensive.

The film would be distributed through a company owned or co-owned by the production company as they may be run by a conglomerate. It would most likely be on wide release to achieve maximum sales across the market, and would be marketed using posters, trailers on the TV and the Internet, and other viral marketing methods such as advertising on Facebook.

The film may be exhibited by companies owned or co-owned by a conglomerate, for example the Odean cinema chain is owned by Vivendi Universal, which may be beneficial to the film as it can take priorities in the cinema by having prime time slots and being advertised. The film would not be a tentpole however, as it would not appeal to the four quadrants, but would still be a mainstream film which will still appeal to a large audience; 15-24 age group as it contains some action and violence, and also 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 age groups as well as it is enigmatic and audiences will be intrigued to find out what happens.

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