Tuesday 18 January 2011

AT Genre Research 1: Thriller

Watchmen (Zach Snyder, 2009)

The film is a Thriller/Action/Crime/Fantasy

Camera Techniques:

  • The use of a MCU of one of the main characters right at the start at the movie establishes who we are positioned with.
  • Then a slow track in on the TV screen of which he is watching shows that he is focused in on the TV.
  • Use of a high angle on the man in his dressing gown which is followed by a CU to show his facial expresions, however he appears to not be fazed by the other mans appearance.


  • The use of expansion of time to slow down the fight between the two adding more suspense and action.
  • The man in the dressing gown known as the 'Comedian' is driving the cuts from the very start as we get a MCU of him sitting on the sofa smoking a cigar then it cuts to what he is looking at also when he is fighting the other man he punches through a wall and it cuts to the other side to see his hand go through.
  • The use of a soft focus to show the subjects shadow at the door helping us to see what he is looking at.

Mise - En - Scene:

  • The whole opening sequence is set in the "Comedian's" appartment and seems to have a dull colourwash to help reinforce the time of day.
  • The room is not lit very well and therefore creates a sense of mystery when we see the shadow upon the floor.
  • The setting helps reinforce the genre of a thriller as it is a idealistic place to hold a fight where some one breaks in adding the mystery of why the man breaks in.


  • The music in the background is in such a contrast with the opening scene as it is relaxed and slow whereas the fight is quite quick and is over within a minute. This helps to notice what has happened him sitting alone watching TV then someone breaks in and kills him represents the irony of it all.
  • Selective sound used on the punches and smashing to reinforce the sub genre of action also to help us identify what our main focus is with it competing with the music of the song.
  • There is only a few lines of dialogue however this is effective as it doesnt give alot away about why this is going on instead leaving you on a cliff hanger as to why he was killed.


  1. Good analysis Alex, I think that a Thriller film could be a good idea for our production?

  2. Excellent technical analysis. To improve - now summarise the generic conventions (stock plots, locations, iconography) that are evident in this comic book / actiona / thriller (be careful - thrillers have sub-genres)
