Sunday 30 January 2011

SH Analysis of an Opening Sequence 1

Dexter (2006 - present)
The opening sequence for the TV series 'Dexter' shows the protagonist's morning routine, but the techniques used to shoot the sequence implies that the character has a mysterious evilness about him.
Film Language and Narrative: The narrative for this sequence is linear as it follows the protagonist through his morning routine from him waking up to leaving his apartment. It is also a character exposition, as the character is introduced and his personality is implies. The audience is positioned with Dexter, who we identify as the protagonist as he is the only character in the sequence and the camera follows his actions. However, Dexter is only revealed fully at the end of the sequence, which creates a mysteriousness about him. Extreme close-ups are used in this sequence to show the actions Dexter takes during his morning routine, and connotes a sinister theme to these actions. At the beginning, a mosquito is shown in a close-up shot, and then the scene cuts to a longer shot so that Dexter's face comes into the frame. He slaps and kills the mosquito and smiles, which already connotes something sinister about him as he takes pride in killing it.

The title 'Dexter' is then shown in a capitalised, red font which is in the centre of the shot, and a small amount of blood splats next to it, connoting a theme of horror and murder. Dexter then begins to shave, extreme close-ups shows his fingers running down his cheek and him beginning to shave. He cuts himself, and the blood is shown firstly trickling down his chin and then falling into the sink, which then spreads the blood. A tissue absorbs the remaining blood, and the shot is filled with the blood being absorbed. This entire scene connotes a theme of horror and a sinister aspect of the protagonist.

Dexter continues his morning routine which is mostly shot through extreme close ups and close ups. He cuts through ham with a knife, carelessly throws it into a frying pan and an extreme close up of his mouth shows him eating it in a carnivorous and bestial way, portraying an image of a savage animal.

Dexter then fries an egg and eats it, all shot at extreme close ups. He adds ketchup, which appear like spurts of blood, further connoting his sinister but hidden nature.

Coffee beans are then shredded in a compression of time, so that the audience can clearly see the blades cut through the beans, further conveying a murderous image.

Dexter then squeezes the coffee out of the machine, and a close up of the bubbles are shown, implying a 'murder scene' of drowning as the bubbles rise. Dexter the squeezes the juice from a fruit, which connotes another bloody mess as the remains of the fruit are shown.

He then prepares a string to floss his teeth, but the extreme close-up implies that it could be something more sinister such as a garrote, but the next shot relieves the tension as he uses it on his teeth. Dexter ties his shoe laces in the next scene, but the extreme tension he puts on tying them connotes a violent side to him.

The sequence finishes with Dexter finally being revealed, as he pulls over his white T-shirt and appears to gasp for air, locks his door and smiles directly at the camera for a prolonged period of time to create an enigmatic character who may have dark secrets.
The sound throughout this sequence is mainly non-diegetic, as the music is prevalent and is slightly odd, with elements of happiness through the use of the major key notes. The music connotes that something is strange about Dexter, and is also upbeat which contrasts the actions depicted, which also creates a sense of abnormality in the situation.
The diegetic sound is less prevalent, and is made by the use of the props, such as the sizzling frying pan or the noise of the Dexter chewing the ham. These sounds add to the sinister nature of Dexter's morning routine, by exaggerating what they are. The music is sometimes in synch with the actions, for example the crash of a cymbal can be heard as the egg is cracked.

The major themes of this sequence can be read that Dexter is living a normal life but has a sinister secret which is connoted by the everyday actions he takes which are made to look sinister and murderous.
Tension is created in this sequence by the introduction of props, through the use of mise-en-scene, as extreme close ups (for example Dexter pulling his shoe laces), but the audience not knowing what the props are or what action Dexter is going to take with the prop. Tension is also created when Dexter stares into the camera, appearing to look directly at the audience which creates an uncomfortable scenario for the audience.

Dexter appears as a working - middle class male, as he wears a casual shirt and has his own apartment. The sequence is quite masculine, perhaps as it follows a masculine character. This is evident through the use of sound, non-verbal language and props, as Dexter tightens his shoe lace his bicep can be seen tensing. Also, when Dexter eats the ham it is in a bestial way, which connotes a more masculine tone to the sequence. Therefore the representation of a working-middle class male is that they are masculine, and as Dexter is the protagonist it represents that protagonists of thriller TV series are predominantly masculine males.


  1. I very much like how this opening is done in montage, and also how each part of mise-en-scene connotes murder which is what the tv drama is about. We should focus on mise-en-scene carefully in our production.

  2. This is a clever idea - I agree with Cameron; focus on using mise-en-scene as effectively as possible in your opening.

  3. I like the use of the close ups, helps draw the audience to the focus point of what is going on.
